Stevens Pass WA August 1975
OBSERVED: We heard a strange sound the summer of 1975 on the Little Wenatchee River near Rainy Creek. My mother had come to visit and we took her to a replanted clear-cut at the base of Mt. Howard (SE of the bridge that crosses the Little Wenatchee River). The clear-cut was about 300 to 350 yards in diameter. We were going to camp near its base. We also had my mothers dog Lady with us and its scent may have brought about the confrontation. We heard a very loud roar coming from the other side of the cut. The creature was hiding in the tall timber out of view. Imagine a very, very deep voiced man making a rough sounding lion roar. Imagine that he has a microphone, amplifier, and good speakers: that is what it sounded like. I thought it might be a black bear and so I fired my 357 revolver into the air 3 times to scare it off (generally I have found that enough to warn off a bear, especially in areas where they are hunted). Next Page