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Blewett Pass WA July 1997

OBSERVED: We were hiking towards the west on a 45 degree slope of forest soil when we came upon four large prints. They ran from west to east towards the direction we had been coming from. Above the easternmost track there was a 5th print that was the best to view. These two prints had been created by a biped who put most of their weight on the lower down hill leg while placing only a small amount of weight on the uphill leg. As a result, the lower foot had slipped about 8 inches down the slope, tearing the slope to the wet clay beneath. The upper track was 16 inches long and over 4 inches wide. The track that had exposed the wet ground was less than 10 minutes old when we found it, since it dried before our eyes to form a dry crust. My husband, Mark tried to duplicate the track's depth and appearance by stomping his hiking boot into the ground. It required 5 such kicks. The main line of tracks were spaced at over 4 feet apart. When Mark tried to duplicate this same stride length, he fell because the slope was 45 degrees. Above the 5th track, there appeared to be toe-kick-in prints made as the subject turned to go directly up the slope. Next Page